【同义词辨析】 2019-04-24 无感impassive-stolid

impassive: stresses the absence of any external sign of emotion in action or facial expression: just sat there with an ~ look.

stoic: implies an apparent indifference to pleasure or especially to pains, often as a matter of principle or self-discipline: remained resolutely ~ even in the face of adversity.

phlegmatic: implies a temperament or constitution hard to arouse: a ~ person immune to amorous advances.  constitution体质表示人体的组成makeup of the body, 由身体和智力共同决定determined by both physical and mental states,如a robust, healthy constitution强壮健康的体质

apathetic: may imply a puzzling or deplorable indifference or inertness: charitable appeals met an ~ response.  deplore既让人悲哀又让人谴责what arouses both sorrow and condemnation,如he's a judo black belt but he says he deplores violence他是一名柔道黑带选手,但他说自己对暴力感到悲哀谴责

stolid: implies a habitual absence of interest, responsiveness, or curiosity about anything beyond an accustomed routine: a ~ woman, wedded to routine.

impassive无感情无表情: 强调没有表现出任何情感面部表情,stoic坚忍: 指不以苦乐为意,常表示践行原则自身修炼,phlegmatic冷淡: 指难以激动性格体质,apathetic冷漠: 让人不能理解悲叹谴责的无动于衷懒惰,stolid没兴趣没反应: 对习惯范围以外的事物缺乏兴趣反应好奇

记忆方法: 1)首字母ISPAS排列成I PASS我不要<=无感

        2)无感的意思是(对常人感到有趣让人激动的事)没有反应mean unresponsive to something that might normally excite interest or emotion.